Sunday, March 24, 2013

MYST #3: The Lincoln Lawyer

   7-10 Thumbs up

        I have heard great things about the Lincoln Lawyer and I have never found the time to watch it. After watching I'm glad I did. A movie about a defense attorney Mick Haller (Matthew McConaughey) and his client Louis Roulet (Ryan Phillippe). As Phillippe want McConaughey to defend him in court for something he claims he has been framed for. Then old cases come up and shaky situations occur which put all the characters in rough situations.
       I thought the acting in this movie was good, awesome, and bad. The good actors were the supporting actors were Marisa Tomei, William H. Macy, and Michael Pena. The only reason why I say that these actors were good is because they didn't have a big enough role to truly show their talent. The bad I would say was Ryan Phillippe. He played a bad guy in the movie who in my opinion wasn't really acting he was just reading the script. The amazing was Matthew McConaughey. He played a very good lawyer and he fit perfectly for the part.
       The scene that stood out to me the most was the flashback scene with McConaughey and Pena. Pena was accused of murder and the facts could do nothing that would help him out. As McConaughey being his lawyer he tries to get a deal so that Pena doesn't get the death penalty. Pena does a great job of acting in this scene and the conversation is deep. The color changes which i though was intersting but, it was so you could tell that it was a flashback so the color change was necessary.
        I also, really enjoyed the camera work in this movie. The camera seemed to always be panning in most scenes. When McConaughey was looking at old files from a case the camera panned up to show the big picture and what the room looked like. When Both attorneys gave their opening statements it did a circle pan while they were talking. Personally, I love this method of shooting. It was done in the Dark Night by Christopher Nolan and it was done in The Lincoln Lawyer by Brad Furman. The clips become easier to watch and the transitions just flow smoother in my opinion.
        I gave this movie a 7-10 thumbs up and i really enjoyed it. The only reason why i wouldn't rate this higher because I feel like the bad guy could have been a lot better. But it was a strong script and a good overall movie.


  1. Nice review; haven't seen it, but maybe I should. Nice points about the acting. Good job!

  2. I saw this movie last year and it was much better than I expected. Overall I thought the plot remained interesting throughout and Mathew McConaughey did an excellent job.
