Sunday, March 24, 2013

MYST #2: Blood Diamond

       10-10 thumbs up

           For my second Movie in Your Spare Time post I chose to watch the movie Blood Diamond. Blood (Leonardo DiCaprio), and a news reporter Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly). In south Africa the rebels are a small army that capture, kill, train, and slave other South African families. While the rebels attack Djimon Hounsou home the family escapes and Hounsou becomes a slave to look for diamonds. While he finds a huge diamond he escapes free and the hunt for his family starts. DiCaprio a South African smuggler decides to help Hounsou to find his family in exchange for the diamond to pay off his debts from promises he made before. While Connelly, a news reporter, is looking for a good story and gains close relationships with Hounsou and DiCaprio. 
          Hounsou is a loving family man and he wants desperatley wants to get his family back and after he found the biggest diamond the rebels have seen he now has a way out. This is a movie that will alwyas keep you guessing what is going to happen next and it is a very solid script.
         A scene that stood out to me the most was one of the final scenes when the air strike is sent to the mining ground. They did a great job of creating chaos in this scene. With very loud gunshots, water and mud flying everywhere, people getting shot, and people running everywhere. But, in the midst of all this chaos they were able to focus in on DiCaprio saving Hounsou's son and Hounsou getting revenege on the rebel that tortured him. You could always tell where both characters what they were doing. Also, their great acting made this scene so enjoyable to watch.
        The camera angles that I seem to have notice where always closeups pf the characters face and then a lot of dialogue in that scene. For example, when DiCaprio is talking to Connelly about how South Africa has become a hopeless place. With showing the back of the head of one character and a closeup of the other you can really see how they feel during these conversations. When it is night it is dark but the movie is mostly bright and being mostly outside the lights are mostly natural.
        I gave this movie a 10-10 because I love the genre this is and it is my new favorite movie. It's action packed and I suggest this movie to anyone. It is just an awesome film.



  1. I totally agree with your choice for the scene that stood out. I haven't seen the whole movie but I did see this part of the movie when I was flipping channels and thought it was really good, Reading this review, it makes me want to go see the movie in full since I haven't actually seen the whole movie.

  2. Wow, new favorite film... that's saying a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I saw this movie right around when it came out, and I liked it--haven't revisited it since, but maybe I should--it seems to be on TV a lot. I kind of remember DiCaprio's accent fading in and out, but maybe I'm just being hard on him.

    Anyway, good job with this, and watch out for grammar.

  3. I've always wanted to see this movie, I've heard nothing but good things. DiCaprio is a great actor and never seems to disappoint. This movie is definitely on my "to watch list. Your review gives me a better understanding of what to look for in the movie and what I can expect.
