Monday, March 4, 2013

Formal Film Study: (Quentin Tarantino)

Joe Herr
Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino has two styles that are so unique and crazy that his movies cannot be mimicked. I believe that  his movies are usually a huge hit or a gigantic miss. I watched Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Inglorious Bastards. It seemed like Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction took on his one style of American gangster films and Inglorious Bastards took on his other style of unrealistic human war movies. Personally I believe all of his unrealistic human war movies are terrible. I have seen Kill Bill Vol. 1 and i think that is to hard to follow and too gruesome. Inglorious Bastards, to me, lived up to my reputation of these films. I didn't like it one bit. It was over acting by most of the characters and the story line was very weird. But, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs are masterpieces. The scripts and the cast was just outstanding and they made great movies.

Tarantino loves violence and all of his movies are very violent, why not. People are paying a lot of money to watch these films. I enjoy very much Tarantino's violent American gangster style films and Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs are exactly that. In Pulp Fiction it is a classic love, drugs and money and in Reservoir Dogs it was blood and yelling. With a great script in both the actors in these films are pretty great. Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta, Steve Buscemi, and Tim Roth are great actors in all of their films and they were great in these two movies. They were at the peak of their careers and very popular so of course people are going to see a Quentin Tarantino movie with this all-star lineup.

"You shoot me in a dream you better wake up and apologize." (Harvey Kietel Reservoir Dogs) Each of Tarantino's movies always have one or two main characters that are the feared ones. You realize who they are because; He always has the camera pointed up at them to make them look huge, gives them the best quotes, or every where they go they are so demanding in the movie that the fear that the other characters have for them are so obvious. But, he never gives it away right off the batt. Tarantino starts off his movies with usually a conversation between people that isn't violent and then all of a sudden the script switches and violence, blood, and foul language starts and continues in plentiful.

The camera shots help a lot in Tarantino's movies. Looking up at the tough guys, down at the weak links, and almost always panning eye level shots when it is a big group of people. To me, the lighting didn't change dramatically. The difference that the lighting made didn't seem to matter. You watch the Kill Bills and its mostly dark and night. For the three movies that I watched the lighting was dark at night, bright during the day, and sometimes he throws a dark room in the movie so you really focus on the actions of the actors and on what is happening.

I'm excited to see other movies that he has created, but I'm nervous to come across one of his movies that could ruin my opinions towards him. His movies are so crazy that you never know what you are going to get. Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs were the movies that made myself love Tarantino. Inglorious Bastards... Not so much. But, Whatever he is doing he shouldn't change a thing. He wins Oscars, makes blockbusters, and is considered one of the best directors of all time. I wonder what he will come out with next?

1 comment:

  1. Good job here, Joe. You do a nice job explaining your opinion of the films and some of the films' shared features. It would be interesting to hear you go a little deeper though- for example, why do you think he focuses on these two subjects? Why have violence such a strong focus? Is there any social commentary he's making? Etc. Also, don't forget to include a piece of research too. Overall though, nice job with this. I hope you enjoyed the experience.
