Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Joe Herr's Survey profile

  • 1. What is the first movie that really made a strong impression on you?
    • Valentine, my brothers showed me this horror movie when I was really little and I had nightmares for months. I now dislike horror movies.
  • What are 3-4 of your favorite genres?
    • classics, biography, gangster/crime, indie/art house
  • What are 3-4 or your least favorite genres?
    • romantic comedy, horror, teen
  • What are your five favorite films?
    • Warrior,  Moneyball, A Few Good Men, The Departed, The Fighter
  • 3 characteristics of what you consider a good movie.
    • Well written, confusing, and challenging
  • What are some of your least favorite movies?
    • Valentine, Red Tails
  • List 3 characteristics that you consider to be a bad movie.
    • Over acting, Cheesy, No story just fighting
  • If you have any favorite directors, list them. 
    • Martin Scorsese, Ben Affleck, Gavin O'Connor, Tony Scott, James Cameron
  • If you have any favorite actors/actresses, list them. 
    • Tom Hardy, Russel Crowe, Mark Wahlberg,  Leonardo Dicaprio
  • List 3 films that you consider important films for people to see.
    • Warrior, The Dark Knight, Casablanca
  • What's your oldest favorite film?
    • A Few Good Men
  • Whats the best movie you've seen that's been released in the past two years?
    • Warrior
  • What are the next five films on your "queue"? 
    • 42, Zero Dark Thirty, The Wolf on Wall Street, Django Unchained, Argo

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