Friday, May 17, 2013

MYST #5: the Impossible

5-5 thumbs up

For my final movie in your spare time post I watched the movie The Impossible. Holy cow, this movie is extremely emotional. I cried about six times during this movie both sad and happy tears. The true story about a family on a journey to find one another after a tsunami that happened on their vacation. This foreign film, in my opinion, is the best of the year. The acting and makeup was the key factor in this movie and everyone did an outstanding job. Besides Naomi Watts the actors and actresses a not well known but, they will be. The director Juan Bayona is not very well know but, he will be because this movie will be very well known for a long time.

The scene that captured my attention the most was when the oldest son, Lucas, is going around the hospital helping other people find their kids, dad, mom, or friends. Why this stood out to me the most is because how Lucas ignored his own problems to help other people and I thought that was amazing. What Lucas did and how nice it was made this scene great. The camera work was very simple with no special affects and that was perfect because your mind only focuses on the actions of the characters and how great of a deed Lucas did. The world is filled with amazing people and this scene really showed how nice people can be. The scene was great because the message they were getting across was very touching.

This film was very simply shot. With great actors and great makeup the movie seems so real and legit. Honestly I believe that you could have filmed the movie with a couple of hand held HD cameras and put it together just because there was not very many special affects. But, the opening scene with the tsunami coming in and under water shots that might have been a little more complicated. And it was so amazing and so real that it made you believe that the movie was actually filmed during the tsunami. Their were a lot of close ups just so you see the reactions on the characters faces and the rest was group shots along with wide angle shots.

This film is a must see by everybody. The story is so touching and so amazing that I'd you don't like it you are not a human. Everyone will be attached to this move and at one point get teary eyed. I give it a 5-5 thumbs up because it was such an amazing story and very well filmed.

Monday, May 6, 2013

1975 Film Post: Sent to Hell

   When three brothers go to the Vietnam war  Billy, Joe, and Frankie Jones who are coal miners have a lot of challenges to overcome.  Joe ends up being kidnapped and the brothers have to go search for him. While searching for Joe, Frankie and Billy are put up to some difficult tasks and fighting off the Vietcong. Frankie and Billy learn a lot about themselves and the importance of family during the hunt. 

Playing the brothers we have Christopher Walken, Harrison Ford, and Kurt Russel. Having these three actors bring unknown names  to the film and a younger more energetic cast which is always fun to watch.  Steven Spielberg would be the director because he has a vision to make great family movies due to his directing in The Sugarland Express and right after Jaws comes out it will be a movie a lot of people want to see. Paramount Pictures is the studio we will work with because of their history of giving financial freedom to the director and we want Speilberg to take his vision and run with it. 

Cinematography will be the main focus and why not choose Gordon Willis from the Godfather because he did such a good job with the darkness and gritty aspect during the Godfather. The 1970s film are darker toned of the film and the plot that is very relatable to the everyday American. Sent to Hell is going to be awesome!